- FORMATO Feature film
- GENRE Documentary
- SYNOPSIS Ana, a doctoral student at the university, about 25 years old, is interested in the character of Pío Baroja with her final degree project in an almost unhealthy way, her thesis being guided by a young doctor from the same university.With Ana's research on the character of Baroja, we will be taken, combining fiction and documentary, in a non-temporary way to different parts of the life and work of Pío Baroja, a key figure in Spanish literature and beyond, with a life not exempt from contradictions and conflict, all in a very interesting time. All of this produced and directed by the teams behind the successful feature films El siglo de Galdós and Emilia.
- DIRECTED BY Miguel Ángel Calvo Buttini
- PRODUCTION COMPANIES Salto de Eje PC, Euskadi Movie AIE, GLOBAL SC (producción en Navarra) / BARTON FILMS
- PRODUCTION PHASE In development