- FORMATO Short film
- GENRE Animation
- SYNOPSIS Jake (30 years), a young controversial artist plagued by terrible hallucinations, is living in a spiral of self-destruction after the tragic death of his partner, Lorena. Desperate to reunite with his lost love, he has joined a clandestine trial designed by Willie, an outcast scientist, who has convinced him that his hallucinations are not delusions but episodes in which he has access to other realities. During the experiment, Jake will have to connect with the visions of Hyde (55 years), a recluse with a traumatic and violent past. The experiment becomes confused and surreal, the limits of the individual and realities are disrupted. Jake discovers that they both share the same passion for Lorena, although in very different ways. Until NoFace appears, a faceless creature that represents the cruellest possible version of Jake and which jumps from one reality to another for the sole purpose of causing the death of the different versions of Lorena.
- DIRECTED BY Lorena Ares, Carlos F. de Vigo
- PRODUCTION COMPANIES Dr Platypus & Ms Wombat
- PUBLIC GRANTS OBTAINED Generazinema Desarrollo 2022